NEM switches are nanoscale relays based on semiconductor wafer technology

Our chips have unmatched capability to operate at high temperatures and radiation with zero standby power, for the future IoT

NEM switches: sense, compute and communicate in extreme environments

From baking bread to baking aircraft wings, all the way to monitoring nuclear waste, we aim to exploit the unique properties of nanoelectromechanical (NEM) switches. Our NEM switches can replace transistors, the building blocks of conventional electronics, which struggle to work in these examples. In i-EDGE, we wish to use our technology to enable sensing and computing at extremes of temperature and high radiation levels, whilst still consuming very little power. By achieving this, we hope to truly assist an Internet of Things to have the unmatched capability to survive, compute and communicate at the extremes of its “Edge”.

Our project’s objective is to provide a sensor platform demonstrator using a "system in a package" (SiP) where sensors, processor, memory and wireless transmission are integrated into a rugged package. In general, where data is processed at an IoT data gathering device (such as our platform) instead of in the cloud, data traffic is greatly reduced. This can increase efficiency, improve security and reduce energy consumption. For example, our demonstrator sensor platform may enable the shortest baking times by real time wireless measurement from the middle of large oven loads without the inconvenience of temperature sensor wires… monitor baking from the comfort of your desk armchair with your mobile phone!

Our project aims to lay the foundations of a business utilising our revolutionary new NEM switch technology. We will be aided and guided in our objective by our Business Interest Group (BIG), a group of interested customers, suppliers and investors. Our BIG will ensure our demonstrators will be application and market oriented, and will fill existing technological gaps.

What's new in the world of tough edge computing

i-EDGE 4th consortium meeting

On 26 June 2024, the i-EDGE members got together for the 4th consortium meeting "CM4" hosted by AMO in Aachen, Germany. This ...

i-EDGE featured in INNO

We're excited to announce that NEM Switch Technology, pioneered in the i-EDGE project, has been featured on page 8 of the latest issue ...

Third i-EDGE consortium meeting in Neuchâtel

Over the last two days the members of the i-EDGE project got together for the project 3rd consortium meeting. Many thanks to our host ...

i-EDGE has received funding from the European Union (grant number 101092018), the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) and UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) under the UK government's Horizon Europe funding guarantee (grant numbers 10061130 and 10063023).

Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union, European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HADEA), SERI or UKRI. Neither the European Union nor the granting authorities can be held responsible for them.

© 2023 i-EDGE Project
Created by SCIPROM